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How To Achieve Your Business Goals

  1. Do not step forward. Consciously step up.
  2. You need an accountability partner.
  3. They will check in on your monthly milestones, which are created by weekly commitments and daily actions.
  4. Make sure you are only doing the things that are in your zone of genius and delegate the rest.


As entrepreneurs, sometimes it’s hard to figure out what the next steps are to achieving our business goals. We are so focused on where we are and where we’re going, that we miss the answers we need hiding in our blind spots. This can cause businesses to become stagnant, or even slide backward. If you’re in a slump, fear not. Getting back on track is simpler than you think. Are you ready to step up and make your dreams a reality?

1.) Step Up, Not Forward
If you’re really looking to make a difference and go to the next level, consciously make a step up. To step up is to stop rationalizing why things aren’t getting done, hold yourself accountable, and make sacrifices if needed to optimize your level of output where it is right now. Stepping forward can be damaging if you’re already spread thin or your business is flatlining. Take some time instead to work on your business in its current state.

2.) Find an Accountability Partner
The #1 reason why people don’t achieve their goals is that there is no one to hold their feet to the fire, or give them guidance. If you have a bad day, it’s easy to try and rationalize not getting things done. That’s where your accountability partner comes in. Ideally this is someone who is not your spouse or a family member, as they may enable you instead of holding you to your goals. (Even if they mean well!) Tell your partner or coach EXACTLY what you want. They will help you lose excuses and find results.

3.) Set Milestones
What gets measured gets done! Now that you have someone to hold you accountable, start with setting monthly milestones for yourself and your business. Once you feel confident in your ability to hold yourself accountable for your monthly goals, turn up the heat a little and start setting weekly commitments. Once you’re focused and confident, you’re ready to move on to daily actions. Don’t forget to ask for help when you need it, and check-in with your accountability system regularly and often.

4.) Delegate
The new focused, confident, accountable you can only do so many things at once. As your business generates more revenue, put the systems and the people in place that will remind you of what you want. Focus on tasks in your zone of genius. Delegate anything that does not play to your strengths. It can be difficult to relinquish control of an area of your business, but with the right team of people behind you, you can accomplish so much MORE. Some businesses might even want to look into project management software to make sure everyone is working to their deadlines. When delegating tasks to different people, it can be difficult for the manager to keep track of them all. This is where project management software comes in really handy. This can help businesses to stay on track, even if they experience scope creep in some of the projects. Read more about that at, for example.

Remember, just because you are an entrepreneur doesn’t mean you have to do this alone. A new accountability system may be just want you need to revitalize and refresh your business and your life. You’ve already taken the first step, keep going!

“Lasting change is a series of compromises.” –Jane Goodall

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